




Andrius Kulikauskas

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  • 读物 书 影片 维基百科

Introduction E9F5FC

Questions FFFFC0


See: Math, Divisions, NSpheres, Bott Periodicity concepts, Topological invariants, Super division algebras, String theory, Clifford algebras, Homotopy groups, 24 Cell, Krebs cycle

Investigation: Relate Bott periodicity to the eight-cycle of divisions of everything.


Wondrous Wisdom

Divisions of everything

  • Morse theory - count the number of directions of steepest ascent - does this relate to the divisions of everything?
  • Eight-cycle of divisions explains how noncontradiction arises from contradiction, thus it is important for life and for consciousness, for preservation and transformation of the whole. How does this relate to decreasing entropy?
  • Can we think of {$S^n$} as relating {$n$} dimensions in a division of everything? With dimension growing per Bott periodicity, as with topological insulators?

Six transformations

  • Compare the related Lie groups (and their connections with spheres) to the six specifications of geometry, the six transformations of perspectives

Building blocks

Fourfold periodicity

  • How might the fourfold periodicity of the sign of the pseudovector be related to the fourfold periodicity of the differentiation of sine and cosine functions?
  • Where have I encountered the fourfold periodicity for the shuffle permutation?

Artin-Wedderburn theorem


  • Compare John Baez's representations over Clifford algebras (the forgetful functor and symmetric spaces) with the Clifford modules described by Attiyah, Bott, Shapiro.

Related math


  • Relate Bott periodicity with the n-spheres from the 0-sphere to the the 7-sphere (and 8-sphere).






Bott-periodicity also arises in string theory.

Related concepts

Math facts

  • Two types of results
    • Periodicity of the homotopy groups of the unitary groups.
    • Periodic theorem of vector bundles.


  • The relevant Lie groups are all rotations about a fixed origin. That fixed origin represents a universal, absolute perspective, God's perspective upon everything, God's knowledge of everything.
  • Divisions of everything are perhaps chopping up a sphere where the sphere is everything also circle folding
  • Bott periodicity should be related to the collapse of the eightsome into the nullsome, and thus the definition of contradiction
  • Perspective arises because of base point - there is a fixed point for the isometries. We are that fixed point.
  • Understand the dimensions of a Lie group as perspectives. And look at Lie groups as rotations of a sphere.
  • Max Karoubi mentioned in his video that loop equations for rings with R,C,H,H' and {$\epsilon = +/-1$} yields 10 homotopy equivalences.


Complex vector bundles

K-theory and physics

  • Atiyah: K-theory is related to quantum theory, cohomology is related to classical theory.
  • Atiyah: Cohomology (graded by dimension, de Rham complex)(corresponds to classical theory) is related by the AH spectral sequence to K-theory (and Clifford algebras) (corresponds to quantum theory)
  • Atiyah: Dirac operator is related to Bott periodicity and K-theory.
  • Dirac operator is the formal square root of the Laplace operator.
  • The spin-Dirac operator (for a spin-{$\frac{1}{2}$} particle confined in the plane) can be written in terms of the Pauli matrices {$D=-i\sigma_x\partial_x - i\sigma_y\partial_y$}. What is this raised to the exponential?
  • Laplace operator is a differential operator given by the divergence of the gradient of a scalar function on Euclidean space.
  • This suggests that the curl (between the divergence and the gradient) is trivial. What is a trivial curl?
  • Physically, the Laplacian describes diffusion.
  • Laplace's equation is when the Laplacian is zero. Solutions are harmonic equations and are given by potential theory. They describe states of equilibrium, independent of time.
  • The Laplacian is the simplest elliptic operator.
  • Elliptic operators are differential operators that generalize the Laplace operator. They are defined by the condition that the coefficients of the highest-order derivatives be positive, which implies the key property that the principal symbol is invertible, or equivalently that there are no real characteristic directions.
  • Dirac operator is the basis for spinors and for Bott periodicity.
  • Dirac operator is, conceptually, the square root of the Laplacian. In what sense is a tableaux the square root of a matrix?

Alain Connes about Bott periodicity and CTP. "Why Four Dimensions and the Standard Model Coupled to Gravity...


Bott Periodicity

  • John Baez's comment about 4 dimensions being most interesting because half-way between 0 and 8. The Son turns around and reverses the Father.
  • How can the fact that {$\Gamma(\frac{1}{2})=\sqrt{\pi}$} relate {$\pi$} and {$e$}? Note that {$\Gamma(1)=0!$} and {$\Gamma(\frac{3}{2})=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}$}. Consider the integral definition.
  • In Bott periodicity, the going beyond oneself (by adding perspectives) and the going outside of oneself (by subtracting perspectives) is, in mathematics, extended to all possible integers, and thus the two directions are related in the four ways as given by the four classical Lie algebras, including gluing, fusing, folding.
  • In the eight-cycle of divisions, the going beyond oneself and the going back outside oneself are reminiscent of spinors like electrons.
  • The flip side of going beyond yourself - if you can add perspectives, then you can substract perspectives - on the flip side. Thus nullsome and foursome model the extremes: nullsome models the void of everything, foursome models the point of nothing. Thus adding a perspective takes us from the indefinite to the definite and back again. The three operations +1,+2,+3 make for a three-fold braid.
  • The Elliptic Umbilic Diffraction Catastrophe. Optics, Bott periodicity?
  • Study orthogonal groups and Bott periodicity.
  • Allen Hatcher. Algebraic topology. Explanation Homotopy, homology, cohomology. We will show in Theorem 3.21 that a finite-dimensional division algebra over R must have dimension a power of 2. The fact that the dimension can be at most 8 is a famous theorem of [Bott & Milnor 1958] and [Kervaire 1958]. Example 4.55: Bott Periodicity.
  • Bott periodicity exhibits self-folding. Note the duality with the pseudoscalar. Consider the formula n(n+1)/2 does that relate to the entries of a matrix?
  • Bott periodicity is the basis for 8-fold folding and unfolding.
  • What is the connection between Bott periodicity and spinors? See John Baez, The Octonions.
  • Orthogonal add a perspective (Father), symplectic subtract a perspective (Son).
  • My dream: Sartre wrote a book "Space as World" where he has a formula that expresses Bott periodicity / my eightfold wheel of divisions.
  • A question about the topological proofs of Bott periodicity Answer by Peter May.
  • Daisuke Kishimoto. Topological proof of Bott periodicity and characterization of BR.
  • Dyer, Lashof. A topological proof of the bott periodicity theorems.
  • ketverybė: H, nulybė: R
  • 2-periodicity: Dievas - gerumas - Dievas
  • sukeisti buvimą ir nebuvimą, tapimą ir netapimą
  • 10 = 4+6 = 4+(4+2) = 8 + 2 (2 tai laisvumo atvaizdai)
  • Z 0 Z 0 Z 0
  • Z 0 (replace Z 0 with Z2 Z2 particle) Z 0 (replace Z 0 with 0 0 hole)
  • 8 external dimensions (adding 4 dimensions or +2 or +3)
  • internally expressed dimensions - adding integrity
  • same pattern reversed internally
  • syllabus by Roberto Rubio relate to Bott periodicity.
  • Langlands program related to Bott-Atiyah. The Yang Mills Equations Over Riemann Surfaces, Morse theory - calculus of variations, thus to Bott periodicity. And Langlands is related to conjugacy classes on GL(2), which are eignevalues. There are three families of double coverings.
  • Bott periodicity 8=0 could be the basis for reproduction.
  • Atiyah: What does octonionification mean for the magic square?
  • 6+4=2 modulo 8
  • see especially from degree 2 to 9, is this an eightfold phenomenon? How is it related to ? How is it related to and the conics?
  • Related to Adams's work on vector fields on spheres.
  • The odd and even dimensional orthogonal groups are related to odd and even dimensional (crosspolytope-hypercube) choice frameworks. How does the duality of center and totality that distinguishes these two choice frameworks add an additional distinction that makes for eightfold Bott periodicity?
  • What is the significance (for Bott periodicity) of {$S^{n-1}=SO(n)/SO(n-1)$} ?

Shintaro Fushida-Hardy. Notes for MATH 282B Homotopy Theory.

  • Chapter 2 on Fibre Sequences contains examples in Sections 2.5 and 2.6.
  • Seems relevant for mastering Bott periodicity. Mentions the fibration for orthogonal groups.

Is Bott periodicity related to the triality of SO(8) ? and thus the unit octonions? See John Baez.

Theo Johnson-Freyd. The Quaternions and Bott Periodicity Are Quantum Hamiltonian Reductions.

  • We show that the Morita equivalences Cliff(4) ' H, Cliff(7) ' Cliff(−1), and Cliff(8) ' R arise from quantizing the Hamiltonian reductions R0|4//Spin(3), R0|7//G2,

and R0|8//Spin(7), respectively.

  • the Morita equivalence {$\textrm{Cliff}(7) \simeq \textrm{Cliff}(−1)$} arises from the Hamiltonian reduction {$\mathbb{R}^{0|7}//G_2$}, where {$G_2 ⊆ SO(7)$} is the exceptional Lie group of automorphisms of the octonion algebra {$\mathbb{O}$}.
  • Hamiltonian Reduction by Stages
  • So(8) and Bott?
  • Could Feynman diagrams for four fields express the foursome? How goes to What in one direction and Why goes to Whether in the opposite direction. And could Feynman diagrams for N fields express the division of everything into N perspectives? And does Bott periodicity apply?
  • In my understanding of Bott periodicity, is it the + signs that are growing or the - signs?
  • Goedel's incompleteness theorem. There is irrelevant, inaccessible knowledge, such as that which describe different implementation of equivalent rings (for Bott periodicity) where the equivalence means that they have the same (isomorphically, structurally) representations.
  • Krulewski bott proof
  • J. F. Adams, Infinite Loop Spaces, Ann. of Math. Studies 90, 1978.
    • 4.66. If F→E→B is a fibration or fiber bundle with E contractible, then there is a weak homotopy equivalence F→ΩB .
    • For each topological group G there is a fiber bundle G→EG→BG with EG contractible, hence by the proposition there is a weak equivalence G ≃ ΩBG. There is also a converse statement
  • Combining this duality between Σ and Ω with the duality between fibers and cofibers, we see a duality relationship between the fibration and cofibration sequences of §4.3:
  • One formulation of Bott periodicity describes the twofold loop space, {$\Omega ^{2}BU$} of {$BU$}. Here, {$\Omega$} is the loop space functor, right adjoint to suspension and left adjoint to the classifying space construction. Bott periodicity states that this double loop space is essentially {$BU$} again.
  • In the corresponding theory for the infinite orthogonal group, O, the space BO is the classifying space for stable real vector bundles. In this case, Bott periodicity states that, for the 8-fold loop space,
  • There are ten discrete symmetry classes of topological insulators and superconductors, corresponding to the ten Altland–Zirnbauer classes of random matrices.

Morita equivalence

  • If R is Morita equivalent to S, then their centers C(R) and C(S) are isomorphic.
  • Morita equivalence is not interesting in the case of commutative rings because then they are isomorphic.
  • The ring {$M_n(R)$} of n-by-n matrices in R is Morita-equivalent to R for any n>0. Work out the functors here.
  • Morita equivalence could describe a noncontradictory model of contradiction.

Morita equivalence is an additive equivalence

  • Presumably, an additive equivalence is one in which the equivalence is by way of an additive functor.
  • Additive category An additive category is one such that all of its hom-sets are abelian groups, composition of morphisms is bilinear, and it admits all finitary biproducts.
  • Additive functors A functor F: C → D between preadditive categories is additive if it is an abelian group homomorphism on each hom-set in C. If the categories are additive, then a functor is additive if and only if it preserves all biproduct diagrams.
  • Additivity of adjoint functors All adjoint functors between additive categories must be additive functors.

Loop spaces

  • Think of loopspace as expressing a space for learning.
  • Loop - open arc - perspective - defines inside vs. outside - the ambiguity of a point.

Divisions of everything

  • Bott Periodicity of states of mind.
  • The widgets at the end of the Dynkin chain allow for turning around and thus for ambiguity in the understanding of the perspective of the chain and thus they can be understood as divisions of everything. And this should relate to Bott periodicity.

Symmetric spaces



John Baez, 8 and 24


Equivalence up to isomorphism is relevant for "user requirements" as opposed to "material implementation". This is relevant for Bott periodicity.

Bott periodicity. Sulfur as an eight-cycle. The origin of life.

In what sense is Bott periodicity the paradigm for recurring activity in Christopher Alexander's patterns? Is it related to God going beyond himself in four steps and human going beyond himself in four steps back to God, on the complementary side of the divisions of everything?

Bott periodicity provides order to the homotopy groups of spheres and that reflects that we are left with Consciousness when we unplug the Unconscious and likewise unplug the Conscious. So the relation between n and m is the relation between the Unconscious and the Conscious and their content.

Bott periodicity expresses the symmetry of mathematics

  • compare this with how Lie algebra root systems express the symmetry in counting forwards and backwards, for example, in one direction {$e_i-e_j$} and in the opposite direction {$e_j-e_i$}.

In Bott Periodicity, the matrix representations are related:

  • {$\mathbb{Z}_2$} as a product (limit) expressing external relationships {$\begin{pmatrix}A & \\ & B \end{pmatrix}$}
  • {$\mathbb{Z}$} as a sum (colimit) {$A+B$} and {$A-B$} in terms of internal structure
  • {$0$} representations are the same size. What is the significance?

In Bott periodicity, do the real numbers express God (the nullsome)? and the quaternions express knowledge (the foursome)?

Cohl Furey. Bott Periodicity Particle Physics

Try to undersand Morita equivalence in terms of irreducible representations.

Raoul Bott mirė Carslbad, Kalifornijoje. Attiyah apie Bott gyvenimą. Nekrologas New York Times Dukra Jocelyn Scott gyveno Rancho Santa Fe, dirbo C.B.S. Scientific. Jisai gyveno: assisted living - Sunrise at La Costa, 7020 Manzanita St, Carlsbad, CA 92011-5123 Studied geodesics on SU(2).

Complex Bott periodicity, which relates U(n) and U(n+m)/U(n)xU(m), and goes back and forth between them, suggests that real Bott periodicity goes back and forth between O(n) and O(n+m)/O(n)xO(m). In one direction there is one step but in the other direction there are seven steps.

In Bott periodicity, {$\mathbb{Z}_2$} may count the unconscious and the conscious. They are the two pieces of {$O(\infty)$}. The homotopy groups explain the different ways of relating them.

A possible interpretation of the sequence. {$\mathbb{Z}$} expresses a hole as with the threesome and the sevensome. {$\mathbb{Z}_2$} describes the nullsome and the onesome.

Tyler Marshall Goldstein

Minimal geodesics (from pode to antipode) parametrize the next space (in the next dimension). In low dimensions, minimal geodesics adequately model loop spaces.

  • Three minds are three shifts adding 1, 2, 3 dimensions in the Bott clock shift.
  • John Baez and James Dolan on Bott Periodicity
  • How is the Yates Index Set Theorem {$+3$} related to Bott periodicity?
  • In what sense is {$SO(n)$} not simply connected? And what is the relationship between its covering group {$\textrm{Spin}(n)$} and the special unitary group?
  • In the Standard Model, fermions are not their own antiparticles, but in some theories they can be. Among other things, this involves the question of whether the relevant spinor representations of the groups Spin(p,q) are complex, real (‘Majorana spinors’) or quaternionic (‘pseudo-Majorana spinors’). The options are well-understood, and follow a nice pattern depending on the dimension and signature of spacetime modulo 8.
  • Bosons - real representations, fermions - quaternionic representations.

Topological Analysis of Networks of Neurons

  • Directed simplices. Streamling information.
  • Directed flag complex.
  • n-dimensional cavities
  • cohomology mod 2, homology nonzero
  • if multiplication of classes is meaningful
  • Steiner operations
  • representations
  • use tools of Hodge theory
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