Investigating Bott periodicity
- Understand the adjunction: suspension - loop space - classifying space, and relate it to the tensor-hom adjunction.
- Consider in the suspension (tensor) - loop space (hom) adjunction, how a {$k$}-fold (hom) suspension yields a division of everything (tensor) into {$k$} perspectives.
- What is the role of the classifying space?
- How is recurring activity related to a perspective?
- How can I think of a linear complex structure (based on {$i$}) as a generator for disjoint circles? Is it related to Lie algebras?
- How can I think of the swapping structure (with ones on the anti-diagonal) as a generator for hyperbolas? (hyperbolic functions)
- What is the geometry, in terms of circles, of sets of mutually anticommuting linear complex structures?
If possible, explain how Bott periodicity models
- divisions of everything into n perspectives, n=0,1,2,...,7, including the relevant shifts in perspective
- three minds as three operations on the divisions of everything, adding 1,2,3 perspectives
Specificially, model:
- a perspective - as a loop {$S^1$}, a Clifford algebra generator {$e_i$} such that {$e_i^2=-1$}, a linear complex structure {$J_i$}
- a shift in perspective - relating a loop of loops {$S^2$} with a loop {$S^1$}
- the operation +1, adding a perspective - the loopspace functor, adding a Clifford algebra generator, adding a mutually anticommuting linear complex structure
- the collapse of the eightsome - the Hopf fibration for the octonionic projective line
- three minds - spheres {$S^1$}, {$S^2$}, {$S^3$} related by the Hopf fibration, the complex projective line
Model a Shift in Perspective
- In Stone, Chiu, Roy, compare the matrices for the linear complex structure {$J_1$} and for the second, mutually anticommuting, linear complex structure {$J_2$}
{$J_1$} | {$J_2$} | {$J_1J_2$} |
{$\begin{pmatrix}0 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\ 1& 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0& 0 & 0 & -1 \\ 0& 0 & 1 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix}$} | {$\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & -1 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0& 1 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix}$} | {$\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 & 0 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix}$} |
Look for {$M$} such that {$J_1M=J_2$}. {$M=J_1^{-1}J_2$}. Consequently, {$M=-J_1J_2$}.
Note that {$\begin{pmatrix}0 & -1 \\1 & 0 \\ \end{pmatrix}$} functions like the scalar {$i$} where it commutes with {$2\times 2$} blocks.
How do {$J_1$} and {$J_2$} give rise to a sphere {$S^2$}?
Do the {$J_1$} and {$J_2$} describe linked circles as with the Hopf fibration?
Consider iterated loop spaces: Wikipedia: Bott periodicity theorem
Husemoller. Fibre Bundles
John Baez. Projective lines.
Bott periodicity for Clifford algebra maniacs
Sets of Mutually Anticommuting Linear Complex Structures
- I have identified perspectives with linear complex structures.
- I can identify adding a perspective, as the operation +1, or going in the opposite direction around the Bott clock.
- I want to understand what is a shift in perspective?
- I need to understand how the twosome relates two perspectives, a first and a second.
- I need to understand symmetric spaces.
- I need to understand how divisions of everything grow by adding one perspective at a time.
- I need to understand how divisions of everything are modeled by chain complexes and exact sequences.
- I need to look for such chain complexes / exact sequences in the Lie group embeddings.
- I need to understand how the eight perspectives collapse into one.
- I need to understand how that happens with the two kinds of Clifford algebras.
- I need to consider how that relates to the field with one element.
- I need to understand symmetric spaces in terms of various kinds of subspaces of spaces.
- Understand the products of mutually anticommuting linear complex structures {$J_1J_2\cdots J_k$}.
- Calculate {$J_1J_2\cdots J_k$} as given in this table.
- Study Stone, Chiu, Roy
- Figure out what is a shift in perspective.
- Study how a symmetric space describes the ways of adding a new anticommuting linear complex structure, thus a new perspective.
- Draw intuition from the quantum symmetries, how they relate to the process of adding mutually anticommuting linear complex structures.
Hopf Fibration
Suspension - Loop Space - Classifying Space Adjunction
Think of smash product (with a circle) as composition of perspectives. {$S^1$} perspective, {$S^2$} perspective on a perspective, {$S^3$} perspective on a perspective on a perspective.
The base point of a pointed space can be thought of as a zero. In the case of a wedge sum {$X\vee Y$} the base points behave as an additive zero and so we get a disjoint union of {$X$} and {$Y$} with a fused base point. In the case of the smash product {$X\wedge Y$} the base points behave as a multiplicative zero and so we get nonzero combinations {$(x,y)$} and anything with zero (anything with a base point) collapses to zero (to the resulting base point). Note the importance of zero in building up the concept of a vector space but also, upon removing it, the concept of a projective space. Note also that the two-point pointed space {$S^0$} can be thought of as zero and one, the field {$F_2$}, and the zero by itself can be thought of as the center of a polytope and as the field with one element {$F_1$}.
Symmetric Spaces
- Understand how symmetric spaces variously express subspaces of vector spaces.
Understand what is an isotropy group
- Understand what can be said about an isotropy group of an isotropy group.
- Specifically consider the case of {$O(4n)$}, {$U(2n)$} and {$Sp(n)$}.
Vector Bundles on Unit Spheres
Understand Bott periodicity in terms of vector bundles on unit sheres and how that relates to Clifford modules.
Understand how the octonions organize Bott periodicity.
- Jost Eschenburg. Geometry of Octonions.
- John Baez. {$\mathbb{O}P^1$} and Bott Periodicity. Canonical line bundles {$L_\mathbb{R}$}, {$L_\mathbb{C}$}, {$L_\mathbb{H}$}, {$L_\mathbb{O}$} give elements {$ [L_\mathbb{R}]$}, {$ [L_\mathbb{C}]$}, {$ [L_\mathbb{H}]$}, {$ [L_\mathbb{O}]$} that generate, respectively, {$\widetilde{KO}(S^1)\cong\mathbb{Z}_2,\widetilde{KO}(S^2)\cong\mathbb{Z}_2,\widetilde{KO}(S^4)\cong\mathbb{Z},\widetilde{KO}(S^8)\cong\mathbb{Z}$}. The isomorphism {$\widetilde{KO}(S^n)\rightarrow \widetilde{KO}(S^{n+8})$} given by {$x\rightarrow [L_\mathbb{O}]$} yields Bott periodicity. The canonical octonionic line bundle over {$\mathbb{O}P^1$} generates Bott periodicity.
Krebs Cycle
- Understand the Krebs cycle and look for connections.
- Compare the eightfold Nanorooms diagram with the ninefold Nick Lane diagram.
- Consider how glycolysis may act through eight layers (as with geometry, deriving noncontradiction out of contradiction) and establish the eight-cycle.
Other mathematical expressions of the divisions of everything
Study how chain complexes and exact sequences carve up mental space.
- Threesome: Fiber bundle
- Foursome: Yoneda Lemma
- Fivesome: Helmholtz decomposition
- Sevensome: Snake Lemma
Gain intuition regarding the field with one element.
- Combinatorial interpretations.
- Buildings
Divisions of everything