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Math 4 Wisdom

Wondrous Wisdom


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Creative Exposition


  • Andrius Kulikauskas
  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m @
  • g m a i l . c o m
  • +370 607 27 665
  • Eičiūnų km, Alytaus raj, Lithuania

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Andrius Kulikauskas: I am writing up this vocabulary for Wondrous Wisdom.


Culture: Language of Wisdom

Language of wisdom A conceptual language that models human experience, how we experience our lives.

Wondrous Wisdom Wondrous Wisdom is the language of wisdom which I, Andrius Kulikauskas, have been documenting since 1982. This language manifests in four planes: Documentation, Interpretation, Context, Culture.

Documentation of cognitive frameworks that express the limits on our abilities to imagine abstractly, and how those frameworks relate with each other, understood as a mental language. These are the mental facts.

Interpretation of the meaning of those facts, how they can be understood in the big picture. I suppose there may be different interpretations of the collection of facts, each offering a theory of God, accordingly. In my interpretation, there is a primordial God from whose investigations all of the cognitive frameworks unfold.

Context for sharing facts and theories so that we in this world can share our understanding with each other. I am just starting to realize that I need to think about this so that others could relate to me. I have hopes that the theory of "three minds" is real enough and familiar enough to engage others to seek a shared reality based on psychology, neurology and the history of ideas, especially as related to consciousness. Advanced mathematics and mathematical physics is likewise an existing language for recognizing the frameworks of Wondrous Wisdom, as we are doing with Math 4 Wisdom.

Culture of those who are growing fluent in this language of wisdom. An investigatory community, culture, civilization of independent thinkers. We are fostering this at Math 4 Wisdom.

Questions and Investigations

  • How to show the extent of reality of Wondrous Wisdom?
  • How to convey what is a cognitive framework?

Unconscious, Conscious, Consciousness

Perspective, Perspective on a Perspective, Perspective on a Perspective on a Perspective

Together with no perspective, these make up the chain of perspectives.

I (First person), You (Second person), Other (Third person)

Together with God (Zeroth person), these make up the 4 Persons.

Three Operations: +1, +2, +3

Questions and Investigations

  • Collect all manner of evidence expressing and suggesting these three minds.
  • Understand the broader significance of these three minds and the chain of perspectives

Interaction can be deep (relating our inner depths) or shallow (relating our outer worlds). With deep interaction, we assume that we are the same, we assume that we have rapport, good understanding overall, but we don't assume that and we seek to establish, through conceptual language, more specific and detailed correspondence, with regard to what we already know inside, innately. With shallow interaction, we assume that we understand each other, we assume that we are all different, and we seek to affect each other's understanding, with regard to what we can learn of the world, outside.

Thinking can likewise be deep or shallow. Deep thinking unplugs our unconscious experiences and our conscious language and considers, with our consciousness, what is left of that correspondence, thus what can be said about God's point of view, letting go of ourselves. Whereas shallow thinking focuses on specific experiences and specific words and what they mean for our own point of view.


8 Divisions of Everything: Nullsome, Onesome, Twosome, Threesome, Foursome, Fivesome, Sixsome, Sevensome

They define mental states for contemplating these respective issues: God, Order, Existence, Participation, Knowledge, Decision-making, Morality, Logic.

ABC's of Wondrous Wisdom: Twosome, Threesome, Foursome

The Eightsome collapses into the Nullsome. They are essentially the same.

The Sevensome may be thought of as the Lacksome, the division of everything into negative one perspective, expressing Slack, which may be thought of as "Antistructure", an unopposed opposite, like good without bad.

Each of the 3 minds acts as on operation upon each of the 8 divisions yielding 24 equations.

Questions and investigations

  • Collect all manner of examples illustrating the divisions of everything.
  • Make precise the mental shifts within the fivesome, sixsome and sevensome.
  • Understand the relationship between the sevensome and antistructure.
  • Understand the divisions of everything as substructures within the eightsome.
  • Make sense of the complements of the division of everything with respect to the eightsome.
  • Derive the divisions of everything from the mind's eight counterquestions as taken up by God who wishes for nothing.
  • Interpret each of the 24 equations by which each of the 3 minds acts upon each of the 8 divisions of everything. Develop a general understanding of how this works.
  • Understand the significance of the 24 equations taken as a whole, for example, for the Flow of Experiences.

We conceive a division of everything as a whole by way of one of 6 Conceptions.

We conceive the nullsome, onesome, twosome, threesome in terms of 4 conceptions, the 4 Scopes: Everything, Anything, Something, Nothing

We conceive the foursome, fivesome, sixsome, sevensome in terms of 2 conceptions, Increasing Slack and Decreasing Slack.

The two representations of the sixsome describe the Meaning of Life.

We conceive a part of a division of everything, an individual perspective, by way of 12 Circumstances: Being-Doing-Thinking, One-All-Many, Object-Process-Subject, Necessary-Actual-Possible, which are defined by the 4 conceptions of the threesome, generated by 4 Mind Games, triggered by the 4 conceptions of the nullsome: Significant, Constant, Direct, True.

Questions and investigations

  • Derive the 6 conceptions from our heart's emotional responses as taken up by God who wishes for nothing.
  • Derive the 12 circumstances from our heart's emotional responses as taken up by God who wishes for something.
  • What is the connection, if any, between the 2 conceptions of the sixsome and the 4 conceptions of the threesome?

We imagine God who goes beyond himself into himself, creating himself. (Or herself, themselves...)

God wishes for nothing (is self-sufficient), for something (is certain), for anything (is calm), for everything (is loving).

We, humans do not wish but rather have reservations.

We have bodies with needs and operating principles to address them. We transcend them with eternal life as expressed by the statements "I am..."

We have minds with doubts and counterquestions to address them. We transcend them with wisdom as expressed by the truths of the heart as opposed to the truths of the world.

We have hearts with expectations and emotional responses and ways of getting things done to address the latter. We transcend them with good will as expressed by the directions to and from the good.

We have wills with values and investigatory questions to address them. We transcend them with God's will as expressed by the eightfold way.

Questions and investigations

  • In a uniform way, in full detail, describe the 4 reservations, including our responses to them, and our centering those responses on God or on our selves.

We experience life through three conceptual languages: Argumentation, Verbalization, Narration

I have a well-defined theory for narration. I have many hypotheses for argumentation and verbalization but I have yet to develop well-defined theories.

Questions and investigations

  • Study chess as a dataset for understanding the languages of argumentation and verbalization.
  • How do the three languages distinguish the truths of the heart (and God) and the world (and self)?
  • Derive argumentation from the will's eightfold way as taken up by God who wishes for anything.
  • Derive verbalization from the will's eightfold way as taken up by God who wishes for something.
  • Derive narration from the will's eightfold way as taken up by God who wishes for nothing.

Minciu sodas (Orchard of thoughts) is the online laboratory for independent thinkers which I led from 1998 to 2010. Our community developed a culture which supported the growth of independent thinkers.

Several concepts proved meaningful and helpful, such as a person's deepest value in life, and their investigatory questions.

The growth of an independent thinker followed a predictable trajectory which I engaged with 12 questions that served as a pattern language for our culture.

We also learned from practicing an economy for giving everything away.

Questions and investigations

  • Understand the significance of independent thinking, our growth as independent thinkers, and the alternatives.
  • Understand the culture that Math 4 Wisdom should foster.

System has the structure 4+6

4 levels express the chain of perspectives. 6 pairs of these levels, in the reverse direction, dismantle the 4 levels of understanding.

4 kinds of signs are paired by 6 qualities of signs

4 geometries have 6 transformations

4 persons (God, I, You, Other) have 6 dialogues

6 visualizations are restructurings of sequences, hierarchies, networks

Questions and investigations

  • Relate the {$4+2$} conceptions, the {$\binom{4}{2}$} qualities of signs, the {$\binom{4}{2}$} dialogues and the {$3\times 2\times 1$} visualizations.

Four 24-fold sciences:

God's Dance is the science of God, the ways we imagine God.

Flow of Experiences is the science of Everything, the structures by which we have meaningful experiences in life.

House of Knowledge is the science of Wishing, the epistemological systems for each discipline and personality by which they figure things out.

Science of We is the science of Love, by which we live in unity.

Questions and investigations

  • Understand more precisely God's dance, including the component structures, and especially, the role of the three-cycle.
  • Map out and understand the Flow of Experiences, how it relates and grounds all of the structures, the cognitive frameworks, which I have documented, how it makes sense of our meaningful experiences and a life as a whole.
  • Map out a wide variety of Houses of Knowledge for disciplines and personalities, clarify what they have in common, and explain and systematize and understand the basis for their variety, what disciplines and personalities there can be.
  • Map out and understand the Science of Love, how it expresses oneness in 24 ways, how it grounds the notion We, how it relates to the theories of truth, how it defines the landscape of truth, how it gives rise to our deepest values, how it functions as a science of prayer, how it establishes and relates God's and human's investigations.
  • Explain how these four sciences unfold, proceeding one from the other, starting with God's Dance and ending with the Science of Love.

The Equation of Life is: God is unconditional. Good is God within conditions. Life is the fact that God is good. Eternal Life (eternal growth, eternal learning) is understanding that God does not have to be good.

There are four levels of understanding: Understanding, Self-Understanding, Shared Understanding, Good Understanding. They support, respectively, Spirit, Structure, Conceptions, Unity. Across these levels we have:

  • God, Everything, Wishing, Love
  • Good, Slack, Identifying, Perfection
  • Life, Anything, Choosing, Will
  • Eternal Life, Wisdom, Good Will, God's Will

The equation of life manifests itself across these four levels:

  • Eternal life is understanding that God does not have to be good.
  • Wisdom is self-understanding that everything is distinct from slack.
  • Good will is shared understanding that wishing is distinct from identifying.
  • God's will is good understand that love is distinct from perfection. (God's will loves the imperfect.)

Questions and investigations

  • Understand the distinction between the equation of life and the four levels.
  • Understand the arisal of the equation of life and its four levels.
  • Understand where this {$4\times 4$} array fits within the big picture.

There is an Unfolding of the Indefinite into the Definite, into the Imagineable, into the Unimaginable. This unfolding yields Human from God, along with the following investigations.

4 Investigations by God

  • Whether God is?
  • What is God?
  • How is God?
  • Why is God?

These questions give rise to the four sciences. They are based on the chain of perspectives.

4 Investigations by Human

  • How to live eternal life?
  • How to live by wisdom?
  • How to live by good will?
  • How to live by God's will?

These questions give rise to the four reservations. They are based on the levels of understanding.

Questions and investigations

  • Understand how the sciences unfold through the chain of perspectives in establishing God's investigations
  • Understand how Human, by the chain of Human's and God's perspectives, establishes their investigations as reservations, makes their choice of God over self, lets go of themselves and their consciousness, and lives with God and all as We.
  • Understand the relation between God's investigations and Human's investigations.
  • Understand how the sciences relate to the reservations.
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