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Math 4 Wisdom

Wondrous Wisdom


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Creative Exposition


  • Andrius Kulikauskas
  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m @
  • g m a i l . c o m
  • +370 607 27 665
  • Eičiūnų km, Alytaus raj, Lithuania

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Vocabulary, Story of Three Minds

See also the examples of three minds at the Theory Translator.

Context: Three Minds

Wondrous Wisdom is a language of wisdom, that is, a language of cognitive frameworks, which I have been documenting to express my experience of absolute truth in many aspects of life. I have found this difficult to communicate to others. What I think can make this easier is to provide a context in terms of three minds by which all experience life, which I call the Unconscious, the Conscious, and Consciousness.

My Relevant Writings

Logical square: Knowing Mind vs. Not-Knowing Mind

What, How, Why

Three minds express What, How, Why from the idealist point of view. Whether is God.

Why functions like a break, allowing How to shift to What upon release, at which point Why becomes Whether.

Consider how to interpret the opposite direction as given by version 2.0 of the Meaning of Life.

How does this relate to the equation of life?

System 1 and System 2

Preconscious processing and Conscious processing

Right Hemisphere and Left Hemisphere

Consider split brain patients.

Traditional Understandings of Female and Male Preferences

Concepts to consider that may be related

  • Anima and animus Jungian concepts. Animus is the unconscious masculine side of a woman, and anima is the unconscious feminine side of a man. My point here is not to embrace Jungian psychology but to show that Jung is distinguishing femininity and masculinity and asserting that they are both found in every person.

Yin and Yang

Freud: Id, Superego, Ego

The id is referred to as "It", the superego is "Over-I", which means that it is speaking of "You". The ego is refering to "I". But here we have an inversion due to socialization, participation in society with many actors. Originally, from its own point of view, our Unconscious id lives as our "I", our Conscious superego lives from the vantage of "You", our Consciousness - our ego - lives from the vantage of "Other".

  • id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual desire
  • superego plays the critical and moralizing role
  • ego is the organized, realistic agent that mediates between the instinctual desires of the id and the critical superego

Polanyi: Tacit and Explicit

Understanding has us empathize with the tacit, as consciousness does.

Forgetful functor yields tacit, free functor yields explicit. The same information in two different ways.

Peirce: Firstness, Secondness, Thirdness

Plato: Subjects, Warriors, Rulers

Hegel: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis

Irrational and Rational

Characterizations of Irrationality and Rationality

  • William James criticized rationalism for being out of touch with reality.
  • William James criticized rationalism for representing the universe as a closed system, whereas it is an open system.
  • Rationalism
  • Irrationality

Perspective vs. Perspective on Perspective

First, Second, Third Person

As with God's Dance: I am God, You are God, They are God.

The structure of interpretations of the divisions of everything, with the third person (Consciousness, Thirdness) yielding the three-cycle.


Four voices creating tension

  • Reality forces
  • Unconscious commands
  • Conscious explains
  • Consciousness cares

More Examples from Various Thinkers and Cultures

Unconscious, Conscious, Consciousness

Sensibility (Marianne)Sense (Elinor) Jane Austin
McCoySpockKirkStar Trek (original series)

Unconscious, conscious

Consider how to ground the principle of least effort, Zipf's law and the Yule-Simon distribution.



Spock (Star Trek)Thank you, Kirby!


Unreflected and Reflected


  • {$O(n)$},{$O(\infty)$}. Rotations and rotoreflections.
  • Linear operators and antilinear operators. Complex conjugation as reflection.

Simple roots of {$G_2$}

Consciousness functions as a brake that the arrow from the unconscious to the conscious must wait for. Consciousness functions as a virtual unconscious.

Compare with a transistor.

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