




Andrius Kulikauskas

  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m - g m a i l
  • +370 607 27 665
  • My work is in the Public Domain for all to share freely.


  • 读物 书 影片 维基百科

Introduction E9F5FC

Questions FFFFC0




  • Get permission from Iba et al. to use their diagrams in the Public Domain. Use their diagram in my paper and note that it is in the Public Domain.
  • Add Public Domain to my paper.
  • Add 12 photos of Mandelbrot set.
  • Mention Nikos Salingaros.
  • CHANGE: 2) 12 of the properties can be derived from 4

"mind games" as 12 conceptual circumstances. SHOULD BE: 2) 12 of the properties can be identified with the stillness of 12 conceptual circumstances derived from 4 "mind games" [kažką reikės sutrumpinti]

Attach:BehavioralProperties5-800.png Δ Δ

Need to:

  • Ask for feedback.
  • Read related literature.
  • Find relevant quotes in Alexander's books.
  • Study, document and organize Alexander's ways of figuring things out and relate that to patterns.
  • Relate Alexander's theory to a language of argumentation.
  • Explain more about the role of patterns and pattern languages, especially with regard to argumentation.


  • Takisha Iba. Keio university. Kangawa prefecture.
  • Deepest value is our personal point of stillness that we find and hear in ourselves. It is a sign of peace - God as peace - which takes up our questions.
  • Ženklų savybės, derinių iššūkiai - dvi panašios į adjunct functor - optimization and efficiency - tikslingumas ir laisvumas - the most efficient solution and the most difficult problem

Ideas left over from talk

  • Problem of our deepest value, that we don't know why we are here, is like the lost child who coordinates with their parent. We are the level and our parent is the metalevel.
  • We keep clarifying our deepest value. It doesn't change.
  • Compare the deepest value with the evolution of the central nervous system. We live abstractly with a cube on our head. Cognitive frameworks are building blocks. God of the unknown. Stepping-in and stepping-out.

Peace (outside of us) - conscious map (of concepts) which mediates - unconscious reality (we are immersed in). Unconscious has one right answer, has activity, and periodicity in time. Conscious has structure, several unknowns, stillness (centers) in space. Each person finds their own way back to peace.

  • Our connection as subcenters with the supercenter - we have no direct connection with the world - there is a gap - persitvarkymai.
  • Defining a pattern and related semiotics.
  • Emotionally - riled is not having peace, the opposite of peace - riled means that we are stuck - we cannot be sensitive to our emotions.

The four dialectical tests of the heart and the world lead us from the world to peace. How do they apply in the levels from stepped-in the world to stepped-out as peace.

  • 3) The quickest test is the four questions - the heart asks the broader question. This lets us stay immersed. Maturity.
  • 2) The next test is logical direction - the heart leads to the world but not the other way around.
  • 1) Not knowledge - experience.
  • 0) Not peace - we are riled! and thus wrong

Heart and world = Unconditional truth of the unknowing question vs. Conditional truth of the knowing answer.

Wishes' not-knowing and expectation's knowing are related as question and answer.

Level and metalevel are separated - we focus on the metalevel.

  • Mandelbrot set is a testbed for defining the 15 properties mathematically.
  • Meaningful experience structures a simple model.

Circumstances allow for expectations, such as expect "one". Circumstances relate expectations (knowing - what is) and desires (not knowing - what is not):

  • expectations: being-doing-thinking
  • expect one (is constant) - desire all (can't find)
  • expect object - desire process
  • desire: necessary-actual-possible

Enriching stillness - making it more robust - more pervasive.

Stillness is constancy.

Stillness is what Alexander means by "field of centers".

Shelter is stillness among the elements.

Circumstances link supercenter (representation of nullsome) with a subcenter (level - metalevel - their relationship) by distinguishing how the supercenter goes beyond itself into a subcenter - noting the stage where they meet. We have to let go of our view as a subcenter - an inhabitant of our level - and take up the view of the metalevel. But we can imagine from the metalevel it must be grounded.

The three-cycle grounded in knowledge (in reality) is why it can't take place in the conscious mind. And it grows knowledge. The three-cycle leads to the comparison between the invariant of the hypothesis (what is true - the marked opposite) and its remainder (what is shaved away). Logic (and the logical circumstances - necessary-actual-possible) compares and balances the opposites.

The narrower stillness must align with the wider stillness - this is the engine that drives the three-cycle.

Does the sign need to be at a broader level than the content?

If there is a connection, then the narrower stillness should align with and serve the broader stillness.

Step out: Self's why -> world's why. Step back in: World's how -> Self's how.

How are Self and World related in terms of our stepping out? From which do we step out into which? Given that we cling to our selves - the truth of our selves.

The investigatory question is the unconditional truth, balanced. The conditional truth is the answer, the marked opposite.

The dialectic of truth pulling in different directions.

Coordinating parent Why and child How across the boundary that separates them.

Alexander calls his concept of living process "a first approximation" - Alexander's process of differentiation pg.216. Compare his process with the dialectic of the unknown and the known. He likewise looks for the senses in which...

  • Widely applicable - malleable/comfortable - Evolution: focuses on the Start
  • Definitive solution - memorable/eternal - Chronicle: focuses on the Whole
  • Distinguishes forces - modifiable/egoless - Atlas:
  • Balances forces - meaningful/whole - Catalog:
  • Can be relaxed - mobile/free - Manual: focuses on...
  • Can be optimized - motivated/exact - Tour: focuses on...

God does not know - investigates, desires. We expect.

  • Recurring activity (in the world) - 3 cycle - "thing" we are representing.
  • Structure - one-many-all icon
  • Forces - object-process-subject index
  • Optimization - necessary-actual-possible symbol

Old self - unconscious desire purpose, New self - conscious applies rule.

Dynamic concerns stored in memory - rules.

Purpose - Rule

Vienybės atvaizdai yra nulybės atvaizdų ženklai:

  • mylintis - prasminga - neturi aplinkos
  • ramus - pastovus - viską priima
  • užtikrintas - betarpiškas - neturi vidinės sandaros
  • savarankiškas - tiesa - būtina sąvoka

Conscious asks: How can we apply our value?

  • More broadly? - desirable/example - comfortable/malleable
  • In general? - exists/cause - egoless/modifiable
  • In our own lives? - possible/solution - free/mobile

Unconcious asks: Why aren't we applying our value?

  • Why not thinking of it? - undesirable/correction - eternal/memorable definitive solution
  • Why doesn't it exist? - nonexistent/sensitivity - whole/meaningful
  • Why aren't we living it? - impossible/focus - can be optimized exact/motivated

Blueprint - contradictions - tensions underlying patterns

  • temporary vs. permanent
  • relation to social region vs. sustainable independence
  • privacy vs. safety
  • support vs. aid
  • top-down vs. bottom-up
  • first response - urgent emergency vs. long-term commitment
  • tradition vs. progress


  • Chemical self-organization "ageing" - 15 properties
  • Takashi Iba
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