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  • Andrius Kulikauskas
  • m a t h 4 w i s d o m @
  • g m a i l . c o m
  • +370 607 27 665
  • Eičiūnų km, Alytaus raj, Lithuania

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Andrius Kulikauskas: I am noting other people who are working on related projects that I could learn from.

Related efforts

Nicholas Maxwell, born in 1937, is a British philosopher urging a revolution that promotes wisdom and not just knowledge.

In his 2010 article Wisdom Mathematics for his Friends of Wisdom Newsletter, he asks:

  • What constitutes genuinely significant, important mathematics? How do we distinguish between mathematics that is genuinely of value, and mathematics that is trivial? Why should Platonic entities exist only in connection with mathematics of value? What is mathematics, if not a branch of knowledge?

He concludes:

  • I suggest that we should see mathematics as the enterprise of developing and unifying problem-solving methods, the enterprise of exploring and delineating problematic possibilities. Mathematics is not about anything actual; it is about (problematic) possibilities. Wisdom mathematics, construed along these lines, does solve the problem of how to distinguish significant from trivial mathematics.

He founded the Friends of Wisdom (The page includes his email address). Here is its mission statement: Knowledge to Wisdom: We Need a Revolution. There is an inactive Facebook page.

Vinay Kathotia worked on the Cambridge Mathematics Framework for developing a world class mathematics education for 3-19 year olds. He developed a thread on the concept of "number".

  • Taming, claiming and reframing the beast that is mathematics He quotes geometer William Thurston's essay "On proof and progress in mathematics": Could the difficulty in giving a good direct definition of mathematics be an essential one, indicating that mathematics has an essential recursive quality? Kathotia adds: "Many mathematicians would say that mathematics is not simply defined by objects but by the relations and connections between objects. These connections then become new objects - and then there are connections between them ..."
  • The Five-fold Path to Mathematical Wisdom Kathotia presents five perspectives:
    • Algebraic: Introducing names or symbols for quantities, constructing expressions and equations that encode given information, and performing the symbolic manipulation needed to simplify/solve the problem.
    • Graphic: Cartesian coordinates.
    • Physical: Interpreting math as modelling physical situations.
    • Computational: Understanding and crafting algorithms.
    • Inspirational: Unique insight which could be historical, holistic, nonstandard inquiry or otherwise.
  • More blog posts

He is currently at Manchester Metropolitan University, School of Teacher Education and Professional Development (Email address)

Saladin Quanaah Allah is a journalist, author, youth advocate, and a teacher of a school of life that draws some inspiration from mathematics, namely, the Five-Percent Nation, the Nation of Gods and Earths. I am not familiar with this school but simply respect it as an indigenous expression of the dream of a culture of independent thinkers grounded in a universal metaphysical language. Personally, I have a deep respect for the lifelong work of my friend David Ellison-Bey, his Moorish Cultural Workshop, and thus a sympathy for all things even remotely related. The Wikipedia article about the Five-Percent Nation explains as follows: ten percent of the people in the world know the truth of existence, and those elites and their agents opt to keep eighty-five percent of the world in ignorance and under their controlling thumb; the remaining five percent are those who know the truth and are determined to enlighten the eighty-five percent. The Universal language is based on the Supreme Mathematics and the Supreme Alphabet. The Supreme Mathematics is a numerology which associates virtuous concepts to numerals, namely: 1. Knowledge, 2. Wisdom, 3. Understanding, 4. Culture or Freedom, 5. Power or Refinement, 6. Equality, 7. God, 8. Build or Destroy, 9. Born (Birth), 0. Cipher. The Supreme Alphabet interprets letters in the Latin alphabet as various concepts. Here are some links to Saladin Allah's educational materials:

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