Jere Northrop and Andrius Kulikauskas lead this Math 4 Wisdom study group

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Epistemology of Ecotechnology

Andrius: I want to study the ways that Jere has figured things out, especially in developing his Relational Symmetry Paradigm. In particular, I am talking with Jere about his writings, notably The Relational Symmetry Paradigm. 2023.10.14

Epistemology of Jere Northrop

Make explicit presumptions

The presumption is that the essence of reality is the concept of relation, and that the fundamental units of existence in the universe are conscious entities, just like you and I. (RSP, 1)

In the following we will propose that these two relational symmetries represent males and females which comprise the fundamental units of conscious existence in the universe. (RSP, 4)

Recognize what is not solving the problem

As a tool the existing scientific paradigm is unquestionably the most impressive human achievement to date, but it does not seem to be able to solve our current existential problems of Climate Change and extreme wealth inequality. (RSP, 3)

Albert Einstein: A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move toward higher levels.

Add more concepts

To rectify this we are proposing to expand the existing scientific paradigm’s fundamental foundations by including consciousness, language, and creativity. (RSP, 3)

Think clearly from personal experience

The premise is that if we can think clearly enough, we can derive the basic structure of the universe from our own personal experience. (RSP, 3)

Start with what we know best and agree on

Begin with what we know best, and where we have the most direct experience, how you and I interact with each other through language. Where do we agree with each other. (RSP, 3)

Express understanding in terms of an abstract symbolic language

How can we abstract this into a symbolic structure that can be used to extend and evolve our existing natural and created languages to approach a Hypothetical Universal Language, a language that is symmetrically consistent and useful in terms of understanding electrons, galaxies, and each other. (RSP, 3)

Overview the different kinds

There are only four fundamental types of relations, self relation, linear relation, relational relation, and interrelational relation. (RSP, 3)

Draw visual symbols that connote the meaning they express

We can symbolize these as... For example visualize this as point, line, surface, and volume, or time, distance, area, and space. The symbols themselves connote an interpretation of what the meaning might be for that symbol. (RSP, 3)

The meaning of the signs and words in Ododu are derived from our own interactive experiences. (RSP, 4)

Give names

Call this a Relational Symmetry. (RSP, 3)

Recognize isomorphic structures

Thus we see that they are symmetrical to a quaternion, a four component mathematical object that comprises a unity and three non commuting interactive relational entities. (RSP, 3)

Recognize and relate different ways of looking at the same thing

But self relation can also be seen as making a distinction, a boundary, and this leads to a second form of Relational Symmetry which can be symbolized as... These two Relational Symmetries, the first unbounded and the second bounded, are also symmetrical with each other and this relationship or combination can be symbolized as the Relational Symmetry Paradigm. It indicates various ways that the two Relational Symmetries could be interrelated. (RSP, 3)

Bridge personal understanding and established concepts

In physics men are symmetrical to electrons and women are symmetrical to protons. In physics men are symmetrical to electrons and women are symmetrical to protons. Their organizational bodies comprise mass, and the language that connects them is space – time. (RSP, 4)

Eliminate what is irrelevant

Infinities and infinitesimals will be excluded because they are pragmatically irrelevant. You also don’t need absolute values, complex conjugation, time reversal, or antimatter to do physics. (RSP, 4)

Generate approximate solutions

We will show how the relational symmetries have been used to generate a language, Ododu, that is a reasonable approach to a Hypothetical Universal Language. (RSP, 4)

Create new tools for thinking

Buckminster Fuller: If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don’t bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking. (RSP, 5)

Think in parallel

For the last 53 years my primary focus has been on developing technologies to address global warming, environmental pollution, ecosystem preservation, and climate change, with these efforts culminating since 2008 in the TimberFish Technologies. However, the occurrence of CoVid and increasing respiratory issues resulted in an operational hiatus for the last three years. During this time I refocused on my parallel interests of philosophy and the foundations of science. (RSP, 5)

Have a primary focus

For the last 53 years my primary focus has been on developing technologies to address global warming, environmental pollution, ecosystem preservation, and climate change, with these efforts culminating since 2008 in the TimberFish Technologies. (RSP, 5)

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